
SWAM 5A Dual channel

SWAM 5A Dual Channel Monitor inherits for the sampling the extraordinary versatility of the HYDRA Dual Sampler and it revolutionizes the implementation of the mass measurement technique, achieving precision levels such as to putting itself forward as an ideal candidate for the automatic reference methods for PMx measurement.


  • MONITOR Mode for the simultaneous sampling on two independent lines with associated mass measurement and possibility of drawing samples with different granulometric cut sizes (for example PM10 and PM2.5 or PM2.5 and PM1) High quality standard
  • REFERENCE Mode using one of the two sampling lines as auxiliary line to achieve particularly high metrological goals
  • HOURLY MODE (hourly) measurement of mass hourly concentration through a specific application of the BETA technology. Measurement of the BETA activity associated with the Radon decay products, for the evaluation of the degree of mixing of the PBL.