
首页 > 产品展示 > 分类: 空氣檢測 > 子分类: Indoor Air Quality

Teledyne API

TAPI offers a complete line of Air Quality Monitoring (AQM) instrumentation, which complies with the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), European Union (CEN), and other requirements for the measurement of criteria pollutant gases consisting of CO, SO2, NOX, Ozone and others.

RAE Systems

RAE Systems is a leading global developer and manufacturer of apidly deployable chemical and radiation detection monitors and multisensor networks for homeland security and industrial applications. RAE Systems’ technologically advanced products are based on proprietary technology, and include a full line of portable, wireless and fixed atmospheric monitors and photoionization detectors and gamma and neutron radiation detectors for the detection and early warning of hazardous materials.


RKI Instruments, Inc. is an innovative gas detection company RKI began with the belief that distributors and customers de-serve a permanent reliable source for advanced gasdetection instruments and sensors.

Critical Environment Technologies

YES has established itself as an industry leader and innovator in the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) market. YES was the first company in the world to manufacture a miniature electronic recording IAQ Monitor. The YES brand name is well established and accepted around the world and is syno nymous with quality produc,tscom -petitive pricing and excellent service

Cantium Scientific

Cantium Scientific specialise in the design and development of electronic systems and products to support the needs of science.  Their key products are the MicroBio range of bioaerosol samplers with accessories, including a validation kit.

Environmental Devices Corporation

Environmental Devices Corporation is a manufacturer of scientificin strument ation specializing in real time monitoring of airborne particulates. All products are highly portable,light weight and compact. EDC has gained worldwide recognition and is committed to ISO-9001 quality standards in accordance with requirements and procedures of ANSI/ASQC.


Aeroquals innovative products, actively driven by sensor research and technique development, will empower professionals, product integrators and OEMs requiring accurate gasmeasur-ement and control.


Sibata has developed and modified various technologies as Beta-ray attenuation, light-scattering, pressure-resistant sampling pumps for environmental testing and measuring methods that are used worldwide today.

Met One

Met One Instruments is an expanding, aggressive company providing solutions to environmental monitoringincludingm eteorological, particles, datalogging and software instrume ntsand solutions. By using modern technology andinnovative design, combined with years of experience in a variety ofsit uations, we are able to meet theneeds of ourcus tomers for ambient and indoor monitoring requirements.

Environmental Sensors

Environmental Sensors offers a complete line of analytical instruments for chemical vapor detection and monitoring.The instruments are designed to monitor indoor air quality wherevarying amounts of the targeted gas are expected to be present.

Tisch Environmental

Tisch Environmental, Inc., (TEI) produces a broad range of pollution measuring instruments for all types of industrial,-service and governmental applications. The modern well equipped factory, quality philosophy and experien cehave made TEI the supplier of choice for air pollution monitoring equipment.Also,TEI has stateoftheart manu facturing capability and is looking into the future needs of todaysenvironmental professionals.

2B Technologies

2B Technologies is the only manufacturer of portable high-precision, high-accuracy ozone monitors based on UV absorbance. Two of our ozone monitors are EPA Federal Equivalent Methods.