7300w2 Monitor
The 7300w2 Monitor is the core to the WaterWatch2 product range,the monitor is designed to interface with all the sensors in the WaterWatch2 range. The monitor specification provides all the connections required for 1 or 2 sensors, systems can be created by the use of expansion boxes to include multiple sensors. The maximum number of sensors will be limited by the practicalities of most sites. We ...
TurbiTechw2 LA Sensors
The TurbiTechw2 LA Sensor has been designed for use in aeration systems typically monitoring Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS) also known as Activated Sludge where solids are typically in the range of 1,500 to 3,500 mg/l. The sensor can also measure Returned Activated Sludge (RAS), Surplus Activated Sludge (SAS) and Suspended Solids or Turbidity in any higher range application.
Specification ...
TurbiTechw2 LS Sensors
The TurbiTechw2 LS Sensor is designed to monitor the levels of Suspended Solids or Turbidity typically found in Final Effluent from municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants. It is also capable of monitoring solids in the intake to both effluent and drinking water treatment processes. The normal operating range is between 0 - 50 and 0 - 500 FTU, a version of the sensor is available that ...
TurbiTechw2 HR Sensors
The TurbiTechw2 HR Sensor has been specifically designed for use in wastewater treatment systems where high levels of suspended solids are desirable in the aeration phase. Membrane Bio Reactors (MBR) typically run with MLSS values in the region of 8,000 to 14,000 mg/l. High MLSS concentrations promote numerous process benefits, including stable operation, complete nitrification, and reduced biosol ...
TurbiTechw2 LR Sensors
The TurbiTechw2 LR Sensor has been specifically designed to monitor final treated, portable and filter water. The sensor is extremely sensitive and is capable of discriminating changes in Turbidity of less than 0.1 FTU. The 90o light scatter monitoring technique makes the sensor sensitive to a wide range of particle sizes, from colloidal material through to larger particles and raw waters and the ...
Sludgewatch 715
The SludgeWatch 715 provides a simple, low cost method of spot checking the sludge blanket level in a wide variety of settlement tanks. The cable reel design removes the need for any additional carrying bag. The sludge blanket is detected by winding the sensor down into the tank, the audible tone will change and the LED illuminates once the sensor has reached the blanket. The markings on the senso ...
ASLD 2200 Monitor
The ASLD 2200 is a fully automatic sludge blanket level detector primarily designed for the water and waste water industry but could be applied to other types of process. It utilises a servo-driven sensor which continually tracks the settled interface and produces a 4-20 mA output which is proportional to the depth of the blanket.
The ASLD 2200 is supplied with either a Infrared or Soli-Tech 20 ...