
PG-350E Portable Gas Analyzer



The PG-300 is a compact and lightweight stack gas analyzer that can simultaneously measure up to five separate gas components. Its capability of precise measurement proves reliability in field measurements as well as its great performance in the lab facilities. Methane (CH4) analyzer is newly joined in the PG series and a total of nine models are lined up.  The approx. 20% lighter body from previous model with the rugged side guards which prevent the analyzer unit from shocks and damages; the field concious design supports whatever the measurement scene is. An optional electronic cooler unit is available for long-term measurement under tough environments such as gas turbines, boilers, and incinerators facilities. PG-300 series is also suitable for solving envioronmental problems, measures of energy conservation, study of catalysts, and control of process gas.


  • The Nox analysis unit uses a Cross-flow modulation chemiluminescence detection method; the SO2, CO, and CH4 units use a Cross-flow modulation Non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) absorption method; CO2 unit uses standard Non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) absorption method; and the O2 unit uses zironia method, galvanic method, and paramagnetic method for exclusively in EU area. PG-300 is comparable to large-scale, specialized units in terms of accuracy and offers a high degree of selectivity in analysis.
  • Cross-flow modulation method requires no optical adjustments as dual optical path measurement does, because sample gas and reference gas flow into a single measurement cell switching one by one. Since clean air is fed into the sample cell in between each batch of sample gas, the cell remains clean which reduces the span drift and keeps long-time stability.
  • New methane (CH4) analyzer models are suitable for expanded application such as biomas combustion or fuel cell.
  • Ease of operation ensured by high visibility color LCD touch screen. The useful functions such as screen capture, trend graph, or operation guide, etc. can be executed on the screen.
  • Reducing warm-up time in half, PG-300 is ready to measure in 30 minutes. Moreover, timer function let the equipment start warming-up automatically at your setting time. Combination of these advanced functions offer time saving for readiness and efficient measurements.
  •  The 95% efficiency of NOx convertor enables the more precision measurement.
  • Energy efficient with up to 35% reduction in power consumption compared to our previous models.
  • A SDTM memory card slot is installed in the front panel and quick data saving is available. Ethernet interface for connection to a LAN environment enables real-time data import over the network.
  • Multi languages and Global certificates 
      English, Chinese, Korean, German, French, Russian, and Japanese
      TÜV(EU), China, Korea, Japan, MCERTS(UK), GOST(Russia)


  •  German Design Award 2015
  •  iF product design award 2014